About the Filmmakers

Chris Tipton-King
Producer, Writer, Director and Editor and Colorist Chris Tipton-King is a gay San Francisco-based freelance filmmaker whose projects typically include corporate & nonprofit video. He is a cofounder of 32K Productions and solo venture Frame Story. His previous work includes the short Boys & Girls, which screened at over twenty festivals worldwide. You can watch more about why Chris created The PrEP Project here.

Robyn Kopp
Co-Producer, Co-Director and personal cheerleader Robyn Kopp spends her weekdays as an assistant producer and assistant editor at Actual Films, the production company behind the new sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, headed to theaters in July 2017.
about the subject

Eric Paul Leue
Eric Paul Leue (pronounced LOY-eh) is a gay and leather community activist based in Los Angeles. Born in Germany, he served as Director of Sexual Health & Advocacy at Kink.com (his job during the interviews), a member of the LA County HIV Commission, and now Executive Director at the Free Speech Coalition. He continues to tour the US presenting information about PrEP.